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Advanced TeleRadiology Physician Jobs

Advanced Imaging Medical Group Teleradiology Division

Company Profile
Agency: No
Contact: Raymond Loh
Phone: 800-723-6186
Fax: 888-225-1271

Company Website

Physician Job Headline Job Location Duration Date
California-based Advanced TeleRadiology Seeking Floridian or other East Coa... Tallahassee, Florida Perm ASAP Dec 7
Advanced Teleradiology is a California-based Teleradiology company servicing multiple medical centers all over California. We are comprised of a working staff of experienced Radiologists with an extensive history working in the Teleradiology industry. We primarily cover the overnight shifts for our clients, 6PM-8AM ...
  • Diagnostic Radiology, Musculoskeletal Imaging & Interventional Radiology
California-based Advanced TeleRadiology Seeking Hawaiian or other West Coas... Honolulu, Hawaii Perm ASAP Dec 7
... Perks include the comfort of working anywhere (so long as you're California licensed), all credentialing will be handled by our medical staff team, a flexible work schedule that we are willing to work with you on, and a steady stream of cases to maximize RVU for each physician. We are seeking motivated, quick, ...
  • No Subspecialty
Weekend Radiologists Needed For Californian Teleradiology Company, ATR. Irvine, California Perm ASAP Nov 24
... Compensation per weekend (Sat/Sun, 2 shifts) from $5K-7K, roughly. Radiologists must be able to work on the weekends and read an average of 10-15 cases per hour, mix of finals and prelims. Looking for those willing to work 6/8/10 hr shifts. Please send all applications with accompanying CV ...
  • Diagnostic Radiology
  • Teleradiology
Full/Part Time Radiologists Needed For Californian Teleradiology Company, A... Irvine, California Perm ASAP Nov 24
... above Please send all applications with accompanying CV to . Or give us a call at (800) 723-6186 with any questions you may ...
  • Diagnostic Radiology
  • Teleradiology